
Squared is an upcoming multiplayer competitive board-game where the objective is to capture as much of the board as possible.

Primary LanguagePython


Squared logo Squared is an upcoming multiplayer competitive board-game where the objective is to capture as much of the board as possible.


First, download the repository. You can do this via git

git clone https://github.com/snacksbro/squared.git

Or alternatively just download the .zip

Obtain a copy of Python3, Pip3, and then execute:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

While in the /Project/Api/flaskapp directory.

To set the Python environment to development and enable Hot-Reload, run the following command in the terminal

export FLASK_ENV=development

You'll also need Node.js. Install the requirements after with:

npm install

While in the /Project/Web/squared-web directory.

Running Locally

In Project/Api/flaskapp, simply execute flask run. This will run the API server on http://localhost:5000. Navigate to Project/Web/squared-web, then execute npm start. This will start the frontend server.

Project Layout

Deliverables/ is where assignment deliverables are kept. Project is where the code for the project is kept. Project/Api is the Flask backend of the project. Project/Web is the React frontend of the project.


When getting any sort of unexpected behavior, you may want to report it as a bug in the Issue Tracker. Refer to ISSUES.md for a template on creating one of these. This is so we, the developers, can get an idea of where/how the problem is occurring so we can quickly fix it, as well as to be aware if a new version of some of the software we use is causing it.



To be decided next meeting