
ComputeBuffer SetData(ReadOnlySpan<byte>) causes error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi Keijiro, firstly thanks for everything you give to the Unity community, secondly this may not be a direct issue, but more of a curiosity / issue i am facing:

I see that on line 115 of Runtime/DeviceController.cs you use:


to upload the image data to the compute buffer. I have been trying to use a similar technique to get kinect data onto the GPU (outside this package). I have all the Kinect libraries linking and devices opening fine but Unity (2019.3.14) will not allow this variation of ComputeBuffer.SetData causing an error:

cannot convert from 'System.ReadOnlySpan' to 'System.Array'

Could you please shed some light on how this code executes fine from within the package but causes an error from a script outside the package (in a new project). Is this a mismatch in Unity / c# versions, or something to do with assembly compilation that I need to learn more about? Or if not how I can use a similar method to get the API 'Image' capture data into Unity Textures / Buffers without performing an expensive Span.ToArray() call which copies all the data.

Any help would be appreciated.

SetData is implemented in Extensions.cs, so you have to copy it into your project.

Aha! I dont know how i managed to miss that, makes a lot more sense. Thanks a lot.