Can add the ability to output video streams ?
GREAT1217 opened this issue · 4 comments
You can change the string in the FFMpegSession class
int the returning string, instead of outputPath you can change it to FFMpeg stream commands...
works like a charm!
public sealed class FFmpegSession : System.IDisposable
#region Factory methods
return new FFmpegSession(
"-y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -pixel_format rgba"
+ " -colorspace bt709"
+ " -video_size " + width + "x" + height
+ " -framerate " + frameRate
+ " -loglevel warning -i - " + preset.GetOptions()
//+ " "" + outputPath + """
+ " -f h264 udp://192.168.y.yy:xxxx"
Thanks for the answer. Closing.
thanks for your answer!
hi @GREAT1217 , i have tried it but mine can't work. i am running the unity to run it up and using vlc to view the udp stream.
return new FFmpegSession( "-y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -pixel_format rgba"
+ " -colorspace bt709"
+ " -video_size " + width + "x" + height
+ " -framerate " + frameRate
+ " -loglevel warning -i - " + preset.GetOptions()
//+ " "" + outputPath + """
+ " -f h264 udp://"
and in the vlc, i typed udp:// , the vlc is not showing up anything.
any advise? thank you