
Wig Not Building

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I can import the wig package and run the wig sample scene in the editor but for whatever reason the wig won't publish to a build, any suggestions?

Thanks for reporting. First of all, I'd like to check some basic points.

  • Which version of Unity are you using?
  • Which platform/OS are you using?

So I am using 2018.2.2f1 and the native project works on this version. I'm actually trying to combine the wig package with the skeletal geometric effects without success on the build ( I can run the wig in the editor) is there something I need to include in the build settings? I'm on the latest version of WIndows 10.

i am having this same issue . i am using 2020.3.20f1 and trying to build this on my android . it builds successfully and when run on my phone it shows for a second and does not render at all but everyother elements are working