- 0
Create an informer in instance manager to cache custom resources changes
#445 opened by yuxuanzhu0214 - 18
Support warm pools
#277 opened by eytan-avisror - 0
not honoring gp3 volume iops and throughput values
#379 opened by vgunapati - 0
IGs in special AWS partitions always fails ARN format validation in instance_types.go
#373 opened by srosenberg-apptio - 7
- 26
Cluster Autoscaler unable to scale up nodes from EKS autoscaling group warm pool when pods request ephemeral storage
#348 opened by David-Tamrazov - 0
Instance profile is stuck in bad state if error occurs when initial role is attached
#371 opened by backjo - 0
- 3
- 0
Use IMDS for Warm Pools & ASG state
#352 opened by backjo - 0
When switching primaryType with MixedInstances, type is not added to overrides
#349 opened by eytan-avisror - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Support for K8s 1.22
#338 opened by eytan-avisror - 3
instance-manager always creates normal EC2 instances regardless of the spotPrice value
#335 opened by amandre - 6
- 10
Automated AMI upgrades
#320 opened by preflightsiren - 2
- 0
SubFamilyFlexible calculations should ensure that instance types have the same supported architectures.
#331 opened by backjo - 2
Label nodes in a single zone IG with AZ ID
#330 opened by backjo - 4
Required selectors in configs
#329 opened by kevdowney - 1
Delay/Schedule automated AMI updates
#328 opened by preflightsiren - 0
Support container-runtime bootstrap argument
#322 opened by backjo - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
API Retries on
#306 opened by eytan-avisror - 0
KeyPairName is no longer required
#298 opened by eytan-avisror - 6
Support EC2 Instance Metadata Options
#291 opened by backjo - 0
- 0
functional test: random failures
#310 opened by eytan-avisror - 0
Managed EKS Node Groups should support taints
#307 opened by backjo - 1
- 0
Validation: block using mixedInstancePolicy with LaunchConfiguration as default
#301 opened by eytan-avisror - 0
- 0
Refactor: awsprovider
#294 opened by eytan-avisror - 2
- 0
Scheduled Actions
#293 opened by eytan-avisror - 0
- 0
Conditional restricted fields are not applied if the last applicable rule did not set the field.
#283 opened by backjo - 0
IsNamespaceAnnotated is not thread safe
#278 opened by eytan-avisror - 1
Pull Request checks should build all code.
#280 opened by backjo - 0
BDD Failure: eks-managed update call is failing
#275 opened by eytan-avisror - 0
Add node label referencing the AMI
#262 opened by eytan-avisror - 2
- 4
- 0
Validation: Add validation for Provisioner
#261 opened by eytan-avisror - 0
Instance-Manager logs missing Namespace
#263 opened by garomonegro