Construct fractal-like 3D models by cryptic script based on Structure Synth's Eisen Script. It has a backward compatibility with Eisen Script, and some lazy language specifications (syntax sugers) are added. You can prepare complex 3D models easily and quickly.
Structure Synth:
Eisen Script:
- "set" => "@"
- "rule" => "#"
- "#define" => "$" (currently #define is available only inside of {...})
- "color #ff0" => "#ff0"
- "color red" => "red"
- "color random" => "random" or "#?"
- "blend" => "*"
- "set maxdepth" => "@"
- "set maxobject" => "@mo"
- "set maxsize/minsize" => "@max/min"
- "set seed 1" => "@s1"
- "set colorpool grayscale" => "@cp:g0"
- "set colorpool randomhue" => "@cp:h0"
- "set colorpool list:blue,red" => "@cp[blue,red]"
- "set background" => "@bg"
- "rule R1 weight 2 maxdepth 10 > R2" => "#R1@w2@10>R2"
- "36 * {" => "36{"
- "#R{A(B|C)D}" => "#R{ABD} #R{ACD}" (this rule expantion is executed before parsing as a simple text conversion. The extended script is shown in console)
- "#R{A(w2B|C)D}" => "#R@w2{ABD} #R@w1{ACD}"
- "#R{(w4A|B)(w2C|D)}" => "#R@w8{AC} #R@w4{AD} #R@w2{BC} #R@w1{BD}"
- space between number and command can be omitted
- box, shpere, mesh, tube, triangle, line, grid, cylinder, cone, torus, tetra, octa, dodeca and icosa are available as the built-in rules
- cmesh (cylinder mesh) and ctube (cylinder tube) are available
- mesh(cmesh) is under the effect of scaling, tube(ctube) is not (constant width).
- point is not implemented
- "set colorpool image:" is not implemented
- "shpere:16" sets the segment count of 16, "cylinder:n", "cone:n", "mesh:n", "cmesh:n", "tube:n", "ctube:n" are also available
- "grid:10" sets the edge width in percentage, "line:10" sets the line width in percentage
- "torus[width,seg1,seg2]" for torus shape
- "@cp:g5" sets the grayscale colorpool table in 5 tone-steps, "@cp:g0" means no tone-steps.
- blending only one member sat, bri or hue by "*s0.5,0.1"
- ... and so on
- "@bg[#HEX,#HEX,#HEX]" sets sky, floor and checker board colors.
- "@mat[10,90,50,30]" sets material metalness, roughness, clearCoat and clearCoatRoughness in percentage
- "@ao[2,0]" sets ambient occlusion parameters, 0 of the 1st parameter sets disabled.