
🚲 Imagine you are a bike courier and you want to build a system that will help you track your rides during delivery of packages: how many kilometers did you ride on each day and how much did customer pay for delivery. The app will help you to control your work.

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Bikeramp 🚲

Imagine you are a bike courier and you want to build a system that will help you track your rides during delivery of packages: how many kilometers did you ride on each day and how much did customer pay for delivery. The app will help you to control your work.

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Getting Started

The repository has many methods to use it locally, the recommended method is to use docker-compose and set up the entire environment in containers, although you can also build the application locally on your machine (this is a slower way).

With docker-compose

Docker Compose is the recommended method of using the application, it allows you to build and connect all the required services for the application to function. Use the following commands to set up docker-compose.yml on your local machine.

git clone git@github.com:keinsell/bikeramp.git && cd bikeramp
cp example.env .env
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it bikeramp-server yarn db:push
# Voila! Application is running at http://localhost:1337

In case you do not want to pull repository you can pull image from GitHub Package Registry ghcr.io/keinsell/bikeramp:latest, there is still need for executing docker exec -it bikeramp-server yarn db:push to migrate database - here is example of docker-compose.yml that you can use.

version: '3.7'
    restart: 'on-failure'
      - postgres
    container_name: bikeramp-server
    image: ghcr.io/keinsell/bikeramp:latest
      - '1337:3000'
      DATABASE_URL: postgres://root:aamEnrMM9Qq42On1dE8MWwp-9epAyRODgzrOZmWHySHg_2t2Ysp563TlMFfnp55u@postgres:5432/bikeramp
    container_name: bikeramp-postgres
    image: postgres:latest
      - '5432:5432'
      POSTGRES_USER: root
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: aamEnrMM9Qq42On1dE8MWwp-9epAyRODgzrOZmWHySHg_2t2Ysp563TlMFfnp55u
      POSTGRES_DATABASE: bikeramp

With node

In the case of running the application in a local environment pay attention to the configuration in .env and use the available PostgresSql database, additionally your machine should contain the software listed below:

  • node@v18.12.1
  • yarn@1.19.2
git clone git@github.com:keinsell/bikeramp.git && cd bikeramp
cp example.env .env
yarn install
yarn build
yarn db:push
node dist/main.js
# Voila! Application is running at http://localhost:1337


Applicaiton provides build-in OpenAPI 3.0 Documentation available at baseUrl, so if your application in running on localhost:1337 it should be available by http://localhost:1337.

License, Contributing etc.

I'm too lazy for that, sorry.