
Primary LanguageJavaScript

VC&P Employment Test


This is an authentication system using React/Redux in the frontend, Node/Express in the backend, and MongoDB as a server. Basic styling was implemented with reactstrap. Authentication is achieved via JWT. Protected routes are achieved through the use of a higher order component that automatically re-directs off of a protected route if the user is not authenticated.


  1. Check the various pages via the top navigation bar. Notice that the "Check If Authenticated" page tells you that you're not authenticated and suggests logging in.

  2. Create a user account by entering an email address and a password of more than 5 and less than 100 characters. NOTE This will automatically authenticate you.

  3. Check the "Check If Authenticated Page" again to see that you are now authenticated and able to see a protected route.

  4. Press the sign out link and feel free to test any other methods you can think of to break the auth system.