- 8
Copy Protection: Dogs Of War
#110 opened by nicodex - 0
Teledisk image format support.
#200 opened by JDat - 4
- 1
- 0
Compilation error in amiga cobra and pick_n_pile
#185 opened by bmwslangen - 1
Unsupported Copylock variant
#88 opened by keirf - 6
Support "Seek and Destroy" disk format
#172 opened by renaudguerin - 8
Amnios support for disk 1 is incorrect
#169 opened by rhester72 - 1
disk-analyse issue converting from Kryoflux raw stream or .hfe to some formats
#160 opened by hharte - 3
Can we have CopyKillerIII support?
#154 opened by afalkenhahn - 2
North & South Infograme
#156 opened by Telev78 - 2
Add capability to generate IMG.CFG files, and to build raw flux files to an IMG.CFG file's specification.
#112 opened by bluearcus - 1
Add a pre-built windows binary
#131 opened by mkatzNU - 1
A fix for the Wayne Gretzky code...
#150 opened by realmml - 1
Packaging issues
#118 opened by VorpalBlade - 7
RX02 support broke in c0dafed
#95 opened by wohali - 0
Add support for a2r files
#94 opened by wohali - 4
Force track/sector/byte geometry and fill missing/bad blocks with provided value
#93 opened by wohali - 1
- 2
Version info
#91 opened by tomse - 2
- 1
Ignoring index sensor in scp_dump
#82 opened by dmatech1 - 1
- 2
- 4
First release?
#87 opened by kloczek - 4
- 28
- 0
- 1
Is there a tool for ADF to SCP conversion?
#76 opened by Qwertylex - 0
Error compiling after latest commit
#79 opened by Flupper - 1
Failure to decode clean image
#77 opened by dwillmore - 1
tracks are damaged or unidentified
#75 opened by mrdavoudi1 - 5
Support for Commodore 1581?
#74 opened by tokudan - 2
Feature Request: HxC Floppy Emulator (.mfm) read/write support in Disk-Analyze tool
#70 opened by drencorxeen - 9
Cross compiling on Linux for win32 binaries
#72 opened by staticmem - 16
Support for Herndon HLS copy protection
#68 opened by kasseily - 8
- 1
WD279x FM/MFM track data conversion
#64 opened by staticmem - 3
Intelligent selection of number of output tracks
#65 opened by catphish - 2
Compilation error on NetBSD
#60 opened by Rhialto - 0
Default SuperCard Pro Path in macOS
#62 opened by techana - 1
WANTED: Write support for HFEv3
#63 opened by markcox - 1
GCC 8.1.0 compile error
#59 opened by Flupper - 2
macOS High Sierra compile errors
#58 opened by richardloxley - 3
"format all" fails with "bad format name" error
#54 opened by philpem - 1
Feature: FUSE support
#55 opened by rlake - 0
Feature: Support XDF floppy disks
#50 opened by claunia - 0
- 1
disk-analyse: Support WWarp image files
#47 opened by M-a-r-k - 1
scp_write: tiny typo in usage text
#48 opened by M-a-r-k