
A Framework for Mesos to run one-off tasks in docker

Primary LanguageGo

EremeticBuild Status

Eremetic is a Mesos Framework to run one-shot tasks.


Send a cURL to the eremetic framework with how much cpu and memory you need, what docker image to run and which command to run with that image.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST \
     -d '{"task_mem":22.0, "task_cpus":1.0, "docker_image": "a_docker_container", "command": "rails"}' \

These basic fields are required but you can also specify volumes, environment variables and URIs for the mesos fetcher to download.

JSON format:

  // Float64, fractions of a CPU to request
  "task_cpus":      1.0,
  // Float64, memory to use (MiB)
  "task_mem":       22.0,
  // String, full tag or hash of container to run
  "docker_image":   "busybox",
  // String, command to run in the docker container
  "command": "echo date",
  // Array of Objects, volumes to mount in the container
  "volumes": [
      "container_path": "/var/run/docker.sock",
      "host_path": "/var/run/docker.sock"
  // Object, Environment variables to pass to the container
  "env": {
    "KEY": "value"
  // URIs of resource to download
  "uris": [
  // String, URL to post a callback to. Callback message has format:
  // {"time":1451398320,"status":"TASK_FAILED","task_id":"eremetic-task.79feb50d-3d36-47cf-98ff-a52ef2bc0eb5"}
  "callback_uri": "http://callback.local"


Most of this meta-data will not remain after a full restart of Eremetic.


create /etc/eremetic/eremetic.yml with:

port: 8080
master: zk://<zookeeper_node1:port>,<zookeeper_node2:port>,(...)/mesos
messenger_address: <callback address for mesos>
messenger_port: <port for mesos to communicate on>



Clone the repository into $GOCODE/src/github.com/klarna/eremetic. This is needed because of internal package dependencies

Install dependencies

First you need to install dependencies. Parts of the eremetic code is auto-generated (assets and templates for the HTML view are compiled). In order for go generate to work, go-bindata and go-bindata-assetfs needs to be manually installed.

go get github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...
go get github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs/...
go generate
go get -t ./...

Creating the docker image

To build a docker image with eremetic, simply run

make docker

Running on mesos

Eremetic can itself by run on mesos using e.g marathon. An example configuration for marathon is provided that is ready to be submitted through the api.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' $MARATHON/v2/apps -d@misc/eremetic.json

Running tests

The tests rely on GoConvey, and can be run either by running goconvey or go test ./... from the project root.


  • Rickard Dybeck
  • David Keijser


Thanks to Sebastian Norde for the awesome logo!

