
Simulation of Operating System Scheduling Algorithms

Primary LanguageVue

Operating System Scheduling Algorithm

Screenshot of Program

This project's purpose is to show the visualization of Operating System's scheduling algorithms specifically Non-Preemptive SJF, Preemptive SJF and Round Robin (Time Quantum 3). Moreover, a summary of the algorithms are visualized as a table where the turnaround and waiting time for each process are listed down. This project is developed using Nuxt.js, a framework that is built on top of Vue.js. This project is an assignment for Multimedia University's TSN2101 Operating System subject of the Computer Science course.

This project was deployed using Github Pages and can be viewed using this link: https://keishidesu.github.io/os-scheduling/


Name: Casey Teh Qi Shi
ID: 1171103211


Node.js v14.4.0^

Development Setup

These are the commands to run this project locally on port 3000 by default.

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

Scheduler Limitations

Due to the instructions on the assignment guidelines, this visualization of the OS schedulers can only run up to 10 processes.