
Error-repair Dependency Pasring for Ungrammatical Texts (ACL 2017)

Primary LanguagePython

Error-repair Dependency Pasring for Ungrammatical Texts


  • N.B. For license restriction, we don't provide the original PTB in this repository.
  1. Prerequisites

    • The code depends on Python 2.7 (compiled with unicode=ucs2).

    • Check if your python is compatible with the code.

      $ python --version
      Python 2.7.17
      $ python -c "import sys; print(sys.maxunicode)"
      65535 (If this is 1114111, then your python uses unicode=ucs4)
    • If your python is not compatible, you might want to build python from source.

      (for example)
      cd $HOME
      mkdir local
      mkdir temp
      cd ./temp
      wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.17/Python-2.7.17.tgz
      tar zxvf Python-2.7.17.tgz
      cd Python-2.7.17
      ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local --enable-unicode=ucs2 --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions
      make && make install
      export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH
      cd $HOME/temp
      curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
      python get-pip.py
    • Once you have a compatible python, install pre-requisite modules.

      pip install -r requirements.txt

      (You need to install libmysqlclient-dev and libsqlite3-dev (e.g., sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev libsqlite3-dev)

    • Download kenlm model to ./data

      cd ./data
      wget http://cs.jhu.edu/~keisuke/shared/gigaword.kenlm
    • If you use a parser with pre-trained models, download the model weights and put them at ./easyfirst/models/ so that it will look like as follows:

      ├── E05.model
      ├── E05.weights.FINAL
      ├── E10.model
      ├── E10.weights.FINAL
      ├── E15.model
      ├── E15.weights.FINAL
      ├── E20.model
      └── E20.weights.FINAL
  2. Get Penn Treebank under data directory. If you just use a parser with pre-trained models, go to step 6.

     cd ./data
     ln -s PATH_TO_YOUR_PTB treebank_3
  3. Download and Install CRFsuite for preprocessing.

     [example for linux]
     cd ./data
     wget https://github.com/downloads/chokkan/crfsuite/crfsuite-0.12-x86_64.tar.gz
     wget https://github.com/downloads/chokkan/crfsuite/crfsuite-0.12.tar.gz
     tar zxvf crfsuite-0.12-x86_64.tar.gz
     tar zxvf crfsuite-0.12-.tar.gz
  4. Set CRFSUITE_UTIL and crfsuite paths in preproc.sh and run the script.

     sh ./preproc.sh

    This creates ./data/[train|dev|test].E00 (i.e., Error rate = 0%)

  5. Add noise by running errgent. See the readme file in the directory.

     cd ./errgent
     sh ./generate_train_dev_test.sh (for generating all the files needed)

    We assume that we have named the files as ./data/[train|dev|test].[E00|E05|E10|E15|E20]. The file should look like the following.

         1       Ms.     B-NP    NNP     _       _       2       TITLE   _       _
         2       Haag    I-NP    NNP     _       _       3       SBJ     _       _
         3       plays   B-VP    VBZ     _       _       0       ROOT    _       _
         4       Elianti B-NP    NNP     _       _       3       OBJ     _       _
         5       .       O       .       _       _       3       P       _       _
         1       The     B-NP    DT      _       _       4       NMOD    _       _
         2       luxury  I-NP    NN      _       _       4       NMOD    _       _
         3       auto    I-NP    NN      _       _       4       NMOD    _       _
         4       maker   I-NP    NN      _       _       7       SBJ     _       _
         5       last    B-NP    JJ      _       _       6       NMOD    _       _
         6       year    I-NP    NN      _       _       7       TMP     _       _
         7       sold    B-VP    VBD     _       _       0       ROOT    _       _
         8       1,214   B-NP    CD      _       _       9       NMOD    _       _
         9       cars    I-NP    NNS     _       _       7       OBJ     _       _
         10      in      B-PP    IN      _       _       7       LOC     _       _
         11      the     B-NP    DT      _       _       12      NMOD    _       _
         12      U.S.    I-NP    NNP     _       _       10      PMOD    _       _
  6. Training a error-repair parser

     cd easyfirst
     (e.g.,) sh sample_train.sh E05 (training a model with 5% error-injected corpus)
  7. Parsing sentences with the trained model

     (e.g.,) sh sample_parse.sh dev E05 E10 (parse 10% error-injected dev set with a model trained on 5% error corpus)
  8. Evaluation on parsing performance

     cd ./eval
     wget https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-source/v2/code.google.com/srleval/source-archive.zip -O srleval.zip
     unzip srleval.zip
     cd ./eval/srleval/trunk/align
     modify line 231 in ./eval/srleval/trunk/eval.py
     (from) for item in alignment.align(ref_words, hyp_words, command=os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/align/align"):
     (to)   for item in alignment.align(ref_words, hyp_words):
     run evaluation script
     cd  ./eval
     (e.g.,) sh evaluate.sh dev E05 E10 (evaluate 10% error-injected dev set with a model trained on 5% error corpus)
  9. Evaluation on grammaticality improvement


  • Please e-mail to Keisuke Sakaguchi (keisuke[at]cs.jhu.edu).