
Simple implementation of class-conditioned ODI generator based on pix2pix(cGAN).

Primary LanguagePython

Class-conditioned ODI generator (PyTorch)

Simple PyTorch implementation of class-conditioned ODI generator based on pix2pix(cGAN).

Paper(arXiv): Omni-Directional Image Generation from Single Snapshot Image by Keisuke Okubo and Takao Yamanaka.


Outline of ODI generation system with class-conditioned generator



  • numpy
  • Torch
  • Pillow

Getting started


  • Clone or download this repository.
  • Download sample dataset(Google Drive).
  • Unzip the zip file and place the dataset folder in the same location as the implementation folder.
  +- implementation/
  |    +- train.py
  |    +- networks.py
  |    +- ...
  +- dataset/
       +- train/
       |    +- base/
       |    +- label/
       +- test/
            +- base/
            +- label/
  • Move to the implementation directory: cd implementation


  • For GPU, run the following command
python train.py --cuda
  • For CPU, run the following command
python train.py

Use padding method

  • Run with this argument: --padding

Optional arguments

# of epoch: --niter <int> + --niter_decay <int>

  • --niter <int>: # of iter at starting learning rate. Default: 100

  • --niter_decay <int>: # of iter to linearly decay learning rate to zero. Default: 0

  • --g_ch <int>: Generator channels in first conv layer. Default: 128

  • --d_ch <int>: Discriminator channels in first conv layer. Default: 128

  • --save_interval <int>: Interval epoch of network weight saving. Default: 10

  • --graph_save_while_training: If save current loss graph while training. Default: False


We thank to these developers:

  • Implementation: pix2pix-pytorch by mrzhu-cool.
  • Sample dataset: Using part of the SUN360 dataset by Jianxiong Xiao, Krista A. Ehinger, Aude Oliva, and Antonio Torralba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).