- 2
How to reload new content in SwiftUI?
#101 opened by wyk111wyk - 3
onRendered callback height is before when before height is larger than new actual height.
#112 opened by cellgit - 1
Objective-c support?
#40 opened by batuhanaltun - 7
Can't load Image on MarkdownView
#32 opened by lucascorrea - 0
Running the Example app using Xcode 14 Beta 5 is not rendering the contents.
#100 opened by harish-suthar - 0
iOS 13 (and 14?) view doesn't show well
#97 opened by nil2l - 1
How can I enable Zoom In/out in MarkdownView
#74 opened by newbision - 1
Error on master and SPM
#81 opened by kristohear - 0
New release?
#80 opened by kristohear - 0
Superscript / subscript support?
#72 opened by Ryanauger95 - 0
how can support some image using not full path
#71 opened by tospery - 1
Clear before rendering again
#67 opened by BBITSDev - 0
Can you give a KaTex support
#28 opened by hi-yox - 11
How can I change text size
#27 opened by zogieosagie - 0
LateX support ?
#65 opened by a334713698 - 0
The code snippet supports line Numbers
#61 opened by pxb2011 - 0
how can I put markdownView in tableView cell
#60 opened by kimxwan0319 - 1
dark mode support
#56 opened by iHTCboy - 1
Support for SPM?
#48 opened by runkaiz - 0
App got rejected because of keyword 'hotfix'
#54 opened by TinyBun - 1
Optional plugins
#9 opened by keitaoouchi - 0
Underline is not working
#52 opened by saurav168 - 0
[Process] kill() returned unexpected error 1
#49 opened by 520 - 1
- 0
Does not support check boxes
#45 opened by runkaiz - 1
Look and Feel customizing
#8 opened by keitaoouchi - 1
No support empty line
#41 opened by starFelix - 1
The onRendered return height is the same when I change the `markdownView.frame.width`.
#43 opened by LipYoung - 1
Compiled error
#34 opened by turkeyaa - 0
Use of unresolved identifier 'height'
#37 opened by kukkadapukarthik - 1
Change background and text color
#36 opened - 1
can't load image
#31 opened by nenhall - 1
Support Swift 4.2
#30 opened by muhrifqii - 1
- 0
Support for Dynamic Type
#23 opened by deeje - 1
![](//xxx) image tag not work
#21 opened by nswbmw - 1
Cannot load on GitHub files
#19 opened by YutoMizutani - 1
- 2
Too slow in rendering big string
#17 opened by sharadchauhan0504 - 2
- 0
table style
#13 opened by 0xIce - 2
Escape special characters
#6 opened by keitaoouchi - 1
Carthage support
#3 opened by keitaoouchi