

  1. Install SQL Server. I recommend running a docker container so you can remove the image once done.
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=YourStrong(!)PasswordHere" -p 1433:1433 -d mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2022-latest
  1. Provision a SQL Database called Demo by running the DemoDBScriptQuery.sql provided in the repo.
  2. Add your SQL connection string to your .NET Secrets for the project by running the following in the project directory.
dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:DemoDb" "Server=localhost;Database=Demo;User Id=sa;Password=YourStrong(!)PasswordHere;"

Running the Demo

dotnet restore
cd .\src\Demo.WebApp
dotnet build
dotnet run

API Routes

  • Swagger is available (link from home page or /swagger) and this can test the APIs.
  • API route for job status by room type is GET /api/JobStatus

Testing the Demo

dotnet restore
dotnet test


This solution uses a variant of the Clean Architecture however the Domain layer has been compressed into the Application layer for simplicity.

  • The WebApp is responsible only for rendering content and providing the API controllers, no business logic exists within.
  • The Application is repsonsible for all business logic and is the target of unit testing.
  • The Infrastructure is responsible for connecting to external systems, in this case the database via an EntityFramework context.

Application Flow

Command Query Separation is achieved via convention whereby the IQuery interface defines all read actions and the ICommand interface defines all data manipulation operations. This is further accentuated with the usage of separate Query and Command folders under the domain object folder (e.g. Jobs).

Mediatr is used to handle the execution of queries or commands from the WebApp such that it is decoupled from the business logic implementations. Each domain object folder (e.g. Jobs) contains a Dtos folder containing objects that may be returned to the calling application(s).

Note that these Dtos are separate from the internal Entities that are used for business logic within the Application layer.

The application entities are translated into the database objects in the Infrastructure using the configuration files locates in Persistence/Configurations. This decouples the databased implementation from the business objects defined in the application.

Note that some implementation logic leaks through via the EF context methods added to IDemoDbContext but these could be removed in favour of a more comprehensive abstraction if required. I have, for simplicity in the demo, allowed those entity framework constructs to leak through though.


I have not explicitly registered any loggers for this application, however I have wired in a pipeline behaviour UnhandledExceptionBehaviour to log all unhandled exceptions.

Error Handling

I have added exception handling middleware UnhandledExceptionBehaviour to log all exceptions. I have also added Hellang.Middleware.ProblemDetails to the WebApp to format any exceptions the application does produce. I have mapped validation exceptions to HTTP 400 (see Program.cs for implementation). I can extend this as needed. If you execute in Development then you will see stack traces in the exceptions, however in Production only the status codes will be displayed.


I am using FluentValidation to handle validation and it is integrated into the Mediatr pipeline via RequestValidationBehaviour such that the presence of an ...CommandValidator will trigger the validation logic. This decouples validation from the WebApp and allows resuse should the the Application be called from a non-web domain.


The UI in this demo is intentionally simple as the test indicated it was not the primary focus. Should we want to see a more complex UI I would do the following:

  1. Convert all controller endppoints to API endpoints and load the UI as a separate executable
  2. Implement pagination for any data retrieval to improve page load
  3. Add filters to the list page to make it usable
  4. Improve the design by making the colours palatable and adding a workflow aspect to transition jobs between stages
  5. Remove the full page postback on status update
  6. Consider using a JavaScript front-end technology instead of Razor pages, although this depends on business requirements and user expectations.