
100 days of code challenge with Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

100 Days of Code

100 days of code challenge with Ruby

Day 41

Day 40

  • Studying up on Priority queues with min/max heap
    • Free Code Camp vid
    • cool take away: use a hash table to keep track of values position in the array

Day 39

Day 38

  • Hacker Rank Data structures skill path
    • MuumiJumala helped me reverse a linked list without a stack!

Day 37

Day 36

  • Tried out hacker rank
    • pretty good, has skill tracks
    • Started down the Data Structures skill path

Day 35

Day 34

Day 33

  • Looked at the puzzle of the week..
    • Encounter Surface
  • Clash of Code! with Alencruser and vizghar

Day 32

Day 31

  • Note taking on data structures
    • array
    • stack
    • queue
    • linked list
    • binary tree

Day 30

  • Puzzles on CodinGame
    • Easy: Dungeons and Maps
    • Medium: The Last Crusade - Episode 1

Day 29

  • Puzzles on CodinGame
    • Medium
      • Shadows of the Knight
        • unsolved thus far, have some of the tests passing...

Day 28

  • Puzzles on CodinGame
    • Medium
      • There is no spoon
    • Easy
      • Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Day 27

  • Easy puzzles on CodinGame
    • 1D spreadsheet
      • got the memoization to work
    • Ghost legs
    • Rectangle partition
      • up with 3 ways to do this
      • most efficient: think about the sides!
      • lots of help from twitch chat, thank you!

Day 26

  • Easy puzzles on CodinGame
    • finished up Chuck Norris
    • MIME Type
    • Horse-racing Duals
    • 1D spreadsheet
      • started failing at the "Deep Birecursion" test
      • needs better memoization? :)

Day 25

  • Easy puzzles on CodinGame
    • Mars Lander Episode 1
    • ASCII Art
    • started on Chuck Norris

Day 24

  • Played with "The Labyrinth" on CodinGame
    • much progress!! got several of the test puzzles pass
    • loooots of help from chat. thanks again vizghar and maldocrosse

Day 23

  • Adjacency list Dijkstras shortest path
    • got it working!!!!
  • Played with "The Labyrinth" on CodinGame

Day 22

  • Adjacency list Dijkstras shortest path link
    • working on this for a while and still not working, frustrated.....

Day 21

  • Adjacency matrix Dijkstras shortest path works! link
    • still a bit confused on this, but did get it working
  • Adjacency list Dijkstras shortest path link
    • this looks much more complex, maybe its just because G4G has so much code for it?

Day 20

  • Review Graphs
    • adjacency list link
      • made way more sense once I could visualize the list
    • breadth first search link
    • depth first recursive link
    • depth first iterative
  • Start implementing Dijkstras shortest path

Day 19

  • Graphs!
    • adjacency list link
      • made way more sense once I could visualize the list
    • breadth first search link
    • depth first recursive link
    • depth first iterative
      • Twitch chat helped me figure this out!! use a stack instead of queue for breadth first
      • thanks maldocrosse and vizghar

Day 18

  • CodinGame!!!
    • Played Ghost in the Cell and Power of Thor

Day 17

  • Review Trie
    • remove link
    • display link
    • moved through these quickly!
  • CodinGame!!!
    • this was so cool. definitely need to do this more!

Day 16

  • Review Trie insert and search link
    • made more sense today :)
  • Implemented Trie operations
    • remove link
    • display link
      • this was odd translating from the c++ code. had to figure out how the characters needed to be displayed

Day 15

  • Review Linked list reversal link
    • got the iterative version working
  • Moved into Tries link
    • super confused at first. thought each node would keep up with the letter value ("a") but it keeps up with it by using an index in an array with 26 values
    • excited to review this tomorrow!

Day 14

  • Review linked list opertions (see Day 13 below)
  • Linked list reverse - link
    • looked at Geeks for Geeks after the fact
    • figured it out on my own using a stack!

Day 13

  • Linked lists with lots of operations
    • unshift, insert, and push link
    • remove link
    • remove at position link
    • length - iterative and recursive link

Day 12

  • Review depth first iterative preorder, inorder and post order
    • made more sense today. don't think I could implement from memory
  • Easy coding problems on binarysearch.com

Day 11

Binary trees

  • Review breadth first iterative and depth first recursive
  • Depth first iterative inorder and post order
    • figured out inorder and preorder pretty easily link
    • had to look up another article for postorder link
    • pretty easy to implement, though not sure i understand the postorder well

Day 10

Binary trees!

  • Breadth first traversal - iterative link
    • this seemed overwhelming at first. but way better when I figured out the queue method
  • Depth first search - recursive
    • inorder, preorder, postorder link
    • did this one from memory!!! learned about the different orders.

Day 9

Review Stacks

  • Tower of hanoi - iterative link


  • Tower of hanoi - recursive link
    • so much confusion around this, but got it to work


  • implement a queue with 2 stacks link
    • this was pretty straitforward


  • Started looking at breadth first search on binary tree....

Day 8


  • Tower of hanoi - iterative link
    • wikipedia was super helpful
    • confused for the first hour, copy coded, then cleaned up the code and it made a bit more sense

Easy problems on binarysearch.com

Day 7

Review k'th smallest

  • k'th smallest element with quick sort link
    • better understanding of the partition method

Easy problems on binarysearch.com

Day 6

Review k'th smallest

  • k'th smallest element with min and max heap link
    • much better understanding of the heap implementation

K'th smallest

  • quick sort
    • got it working but don't understand it...

Day 5

Review array rearrangements

  • Odds and evens link
    • This made way more sense today!


  • k'th smallest element with min and max heap link
    • min heap stuuumpted me. copy coded it from the c++ example and it started to sink in
    • max heap was easier after working with min heap, but still a bit confusing

Day 4

Review of array rearrangements

  • hash_set, swap_elements link
    • swap_elements made more sense this time
  • reverse_iterative, reverse_recursive link

Array rearrangements

  • Odds and evens link


  • Simple, min heap
    • simple solution, super easy
    • got stuck on implementing the min heap...

Day 3

Review of array rearrangements

  • Naive and check and replace link

Array rearrangments

  • hash_set, swap_elements link
    • hash_set made sense from the get go
    • swap_elements confused me at first
  • reverse_iterative, reverse_recursive link
    • reverse_iterative, reverse_recursive made sense. Had done the iterave version in array rotations on Day 1

Day 2

Review of array rotations

  • juggling still strange to me
  • didn't bother with block swap

Array rearrangement

  • Naive approach, Check and replace link
    • naive made sense
    • check and replace still a bit confusing

Day 1

Array rotations

  • Temp array, One by one, Juggling link

    • Temp array and one by one made sense
    • struggled with juggling algo
  • Reversal link

    • this was easy to understand
  • Block Swap link

    • super confusing... got the recursive one to work, don't understand it though