
Bazel rules for running multiple commands in parallel in a single bazel invocation

Primary LanguageStarlarkApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


These rules provide a simple interface for running multiple commands in parallel with a single bazel run invocation. This is especially useful for running multiple linters or formatters with a single command.


Setup the tools you want to run:

load("@rules_multirun//:defs.bzl", "command", "multirun")
load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_binary")

    name = "some_linter",

    name = "some_other_linter",

    name = "lint-something",
    command = ":some_linter",
    arguments = ["check"], # Optional arguments passed directly to the tool

    name = "lint-something-else",
    command = ":some_other_linter",
    environment = {"CHECK": "true"}, # Optional environment variables set when invoking the command
    data = ["..."] # Optional runtime data dependencies

    name = "lint",
    commands = [
    jobs = 0, # Set to 0 to run in parallel, defaults to sequential

Run the multirun target with bazel:

$ bazel run //:lint

See the full API docs for more info.

Usage with platform transitions

In case if the multirun rule requires a transition to other configuration than target then a new multirun-like rule can be defined as in the following example

load("@rules_multirun//:defs.bzl", "multirun_with_transition")

def _aws_deploy_platforms_impl(settings, attr):
    return {"//command_line_option:platforms": [":aws_lambda"]}

aws_deploy_transition = transition(
    implementation = _aws_deploy_platforms_impl,
    inputs = [],
    outputs = ["//command_line_option:platforms"],

aws_deploy = multirun_with_transition(

and used in a BUILD file

    name = "staging",
    commands = [


Go to the releases page to grab the WORKSPACE snippet for the latest release.


This is a fork of the original multirun rules. Those rules have a dependency on golang to run, which may not be desired, these rules use a python script instead.