
The "DmQ Adapter" (aka "PAMS TCPIP Adapter") is a stand-alone RPC for DEC / BEA messageQ that I wrote allowing non-supported platforms to communicate on the message bus using TCP/IP sockets. It was a tool to help customers and not part of the DmQ product.

Primary LanguageC


I was a lead developer of BEA MessageQ (known as DECmesssageQ or DEC PAMS at the time. Called Oracle Tuxedo MessageQ today). This was the world's first multi- vendor, multi-platform message queuing communications product. At the time vendors like IBM had message queuing products, but only for their own platforms. DmQ was the first to allow customers to create a message bus (using publish-subscribe architecture, notifications, receipts and process activation) across any vendor's system.

This archive contains the "DmQ Adapter" (aka "PAMS TCPIP Adapter"), a stand-alone RPC add-on to DECmessageQ that I wrote entirely (including the documentation), allowing odd and unsupported platforms to communicate on the message bus using TCP/IP Sockets. It was a tool given away to help customers and not part of the DmQ product.

I was pleased with this work, as I wrote it in portable C (ANSI and K&R) "endian independent" code compatible with 32bit, 64bit, and RISC processsors. There were no compile variants in the code; just a platform specific include file that defined how the code would build and run. The C language is truly portable if you are disciplined on how to do it right.

Note that this adapter requires a running DECmessageQ/BEAmessageQ/DECPAMS system with at least one connected supported system to host the server component.

  • Keith