
This is the docker build for Zeppelin on DCOS.


docker build -t mesosphere/zeppelin:<version> .


These are instructions for installing and accessing the DCOS Zeppelin package. We'll probably move these to user docs at some point.

The following are instructions for installing Zeppelin on an AWS DCOS cluster such that you can access it from the public internet using marathon-lb as a proxy. An alternative is to launch Zeppelin directly on a a public slave.

  1. Install marathon-lb

    dcos package install marathon-lb
  2. Install zeppelin

    dcos package install zeppelin --options=zeppelin.json


        "zeppelin": {
            "vhost": "zeppelin.your-url.com"
  3. Configure ELB

    You must modify your ELB in two ways.

    The first is to update the health check so that marathon-lb will show up as a backend to the ELB. Add "HTTP:9090/_haproxy_health_check".

    The second is to change the HTTP:80 listener to be TCP:80. This is to support Zeppelin websockets.

  4. Create a DNS entry for zeppelin.your-url.com

    Create a CNAME entry that maps the vhost parameter above to the ELB DNS entry. In development, you can simply add an entry to your /etc/hosts file.

You should now be able to visit zeppelin.your-url.com to view Zeppelin.