
TcxRB is a Garmin TCX parsing library for Ruby.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


TcxRb is a ruby library for parsing Garmin TCX files into sensible Ruby objects.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tcx_rb'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tcx_rb


The simplest way to start using TcxRb is to create a workout from a file.

workout = TcxRb.workout_from_file('/path/to/file')
# => TcxRb::Workout

# => 181

# => -3.17

# => 3.027

# => [TcxRb::Activity]

# => [TcxRb::Lap]

# => 3762

# => 39.965614

# => -75.180849


The main classes in TcxRb are Workout, Activity, Lap, and Trackpoint.


Workout is the highest level object and its only attribute is activities which is an array of Activity objects.

Workout also implements + and -.


Activity is the highest level object in the tcx schema. It has the following attributes:

  • sport - Sport detailed by the tracker (ex. Running).
  • id - ID given by the tracker.
  • creator - Name of the tracker.
  • laps - Array of Lap objects.


Lap represents one "session" in the schema. It has a collection of trackpoints and distance associated with it. It has the following attributes:

  • start_time - Start time of lap (string).
  • total_time - Total time of the lap (float).
  • distance - Total distance traveled in meters.
  • calories - Total calories burned.
  • intensity - Classification of lap intensity.
  • trigger_method - Method used to start the lap.
  • trackpoints - Array of Trackpoint objects.


Trackpoint reprsents a sample from the tracker. Lowest level object in the hierarchy that contains the data that the other objects use for computations. It has the following attributes:

  • time - Time the trackpoint was sampled (string).
  • latitude - Latitude of the trackpoint.
  • longitude - Longitude of the trackpoint.
  • altitude - Height from sea level, in meters.
  • distance - Total distance since the beginning of the workout, in meters.
  • heart_rate - Heart rate the tracker sampled.
  • lat - alias for latitude.
  • lon - alias for longitude.


Parser is the class used to parse the tcx file into a Workout. A parser can be instansiated by passing in tcx string. It exposes the parse_trackpoints, parse_laps, and parse_activities methods which will return an array of hashes of the corresponding object.


tcx_str = File.read('/path/to/data')
parser = TcxRb::Parser.new(tcx_str)

#  => [{:time=>"2020-02-11T21:44:03.000-05:00", :latitude=>"39.965614", :longitude=>"-75.180849", :altitude=>"8.071420612508698", :distance=>"55.1", :heart_rate=>"146"}]


Instances of Workout, Activity, and Lap all implement the following methods:

  • max_heart_rate - Max heart rate of all trackpoints.
  • min_heart_rate - Min heart rate of all trackpoints.
  • avg_heart_rate - Avg heart rate of all trackpoints.
  • max_altitude - Max altitude of all trackpoints.
  • min_altitude - Min altitude of all trackpoints.
  • avg_altitude - Avg altitude of all trackpoints.
  • max_pace - Max pace of all pairs of trackpoints (m/s).
  • min_pace - Min pace of all pairs of trackpoints (m/s).
  • avg_pace - Avg pace of all pairs of trackpoitns (m/s).

Additionally, Workout and Activity implement the following:

  • total_tps - The sum of the size of trackpoints contained in the child laps.
  • time - The total "active" time of all the child laps (discounts time spent paused).
  • distance - Total distance of all the child laps.
  • calories - Sum of the calories burned in each child lap.


Example using + and - with Workout:

sat_workout = TcxRb.workout_from_file('saturday.tcx')
sun_workout = TcxRb.workout_from_file('sunday.tcx')

# => 5000

# => 10000

weekend_workouts = sat_workout + sun_workout
# => 15000

(weekend_workouts - sat_workout).total_distance
# => 10000


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/kdoggett887/tcx_rb.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.