
ESP8266 Based Button for TCPLightingWebInterface https://github.com/bren1818/TCPLightingWebInterface

Primary LanguageC++

1 & 2 Button/Switch connected through an esp8266 microcontroller

Controls lights managed with https://github.com/bren1818/TCPLightingWebInterface

All testing was performed with NodeMCU development boards V2 but should be reproducable on any esp8266 based board. The NodeMCU board was chosen as it already has a 5v --> 3.3v convertor and breadboad sized pinouts attached Imgur

Please consult the Wiki for more detailed usage information

Please note that by using this project you are responsible for understanding and adhering to any and all local codes applicable to where this project might be implemented. Including but not limited to fire and electrical codes. The creator assumes no liability and is simply providing a description of a project he completed for his own personal use