
python backend for gnolmec

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

alt text


Python graphics tools. Anything goes.

Its a sandbox for playing with numbers and pictures. I am writing this to learn 3D math. It is for fun and to be used as a platform to teach 3D math and graphics.

If you want to do serious 3D work in python I suggest you have a look at the "trimesh" library instead.

Organized by the following modules:
   -  math_ops         - math, vectors, matrices, the core logic of it all  
   -  point_ops        - 3D points, (polygons moved to poly_ops) 
   -  point_ops_2d     - 2d points, polygons
   -  poly_ops         - polygons, and objects, the "brains" of geometry processing
   -  obj2d            - data structure for 2D models.   Inherits all the other stuff  
   -  obj3d            - data structure for 3D models.   Inherits all the other stuff     
   -  raster_ops       - image manipulation with PIL, framebuffer  
   -  render           - brain dead simple 3D rendering, examples of using pygfx modules to build a 3D render  
   -  milling_ops      - process G-code files for CNC/CAM related stuff. Experimental. 
   -  grid_ops         - do things in a spatial grid like tesselations,etc - derived from dag_ops 

Example files are split up by type:
   -  objects_3d          - examples of 3D rendering and 2D vector processing 
   -  examples_render     - examples of 3D rendering 
   -  selection           - examples of extracting portions of polygon geometry  
   -  vector              - examples of 3D vector processing

Stuff you can ignore for now :
   -  examples.dag         - directed acyclic graph tools - pygfx.dag is 14 years old and needs cleanup 
   -  examples.milling     - examples of G-code related tools. CNC and CAM in the future?
   -  examples.wip         - work in progess examples 
   -  examples.objects_2d  - nothing here worth looking at 
   -  pygfx.objects_2d        - 2d is a work in progress - it will behave like all the 3D code but in 2D 
   -  pygfx.unit_tests        - not done yet 
   -  pygfx.raytrace          - someones code I imported and am considering intergrating 
   -  pygfx.dag_ops           - directed acyclic graph, first stab at a scene graph (not working yet)
   -  pygfx.render_2d         - nothing here yet, future home of 2D rendering 

Raster tools structure:

|-raster_op          - wrapper around PIL to work on whole images
    |---pixel_op     - operations at pixel level - this is the .fb framebuffer used almost everywhere

3D objects structure:

can be used along side numpy or standalone
inside the __init__ file there is a global NUMPY_IS_LOADED to enable/disable the components that use numpy 

The object inheritance of a gnelscript 3D object is as follows:

|-math_util - standalone math tools , the first prototype for math ops and all the others  

|-math_ops           - just what it says. Vectors, Matricies, all the boring math stuff that everything is built on
   |-point_ops       - functions to work with coordinates directly
      |-polygon_ops     - deals with polygon indices, point indices 
          |             - geometry is stored as vertex arrays and face indexes with a flat data structure  
          |-object3d    - deals with groups of polygons, normals, polygon operators loading, saving, ect 

Designed to be a self contained python module that you import into other places.

I am looking at adding other libraries like numpy, trimesh, shapely and networkx

To enable other libraries go to init and set


To use examples - just imort them like this

from gnelscript.examples.2d import *
from gnelscript.examples.3d import *
from gnelscript.examples.raster import *
from gnelscript.examples.vector import *
from gnelscript.examples.selection import *