Azure Resource Manager Template for ADOP
The above button will deploy Accenture DevOps Platform (ADOP) to the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.
- adminUsername: User name for the Virtual Machine and ADOP.
- adminPassword: Password for the Virtual Machine and ADOP, must be >= 12 chars and have letters, symbols, numbers, etc.
- dnsNamePrefix: Globally unique DNS Name for the Public IP used to access the Virtual Machine.
- vmName: VM name. Default:
. - vmSize: VM size. Default:
. - osDistribution: Linux Distribution and version to install in the VM. Possible values:
. Default:UbuntuServer1604LTS
To deploy interactively, click the above button.
To list available sizes, with Azure CLI: az vm list-sizes --location <azure-location>
To list available locations: az account list-locations
To deploy in an interactive command line using Azure CLI :
az group create -n <my-resource-group> -l <azure-location>
az group deployment create -g <my-resource-group> --template-uri --nowait
To deploy without interaction, download azuredeploy.json
and azuredeploy.parameters.json
, edit the latter with your parameter values and run:
az group create -n <my-resource-group> -l <azure-location>
az group deployment create -g <my-resource-group> --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters @azuredeploy.parameters.json --nowait
To see the status of the deployment you can use the portal or this command:
az group deployment list -g <my-resource-group>
Once the deployment ends (after usually between 15 and 20 minutes), you can access the ADOP portal on the deployment's siteUri output, which looks like this: http://<dnsNamePrefix>.<azure-location>
For more information:
- You can find Microsoft Azure CLI 2.0 (az) here:
- You can find ADOP here:
- This template was initially inspired by:
To do:
- The template's result lacks security. We should add at least a load balancer and a NSG --will do ASAP.