
Push any application into maven in a repeatable way using it folder structure as the group id.

Primary LanguageJava


Push any application into maven in a repeatable way using it folder structure as the group id.

Configuration defaults:

rootDir - [mandatory] includedRegExp - ".+.(j|e|w)ar$" targetDir - [mandatory] versionRegExp - "" groupPrefix - "" groupMaskRegExp - "" excludeRegExp - "" validTypes - "^[j|e|w]ar$" repositoryId - mandatory repositoryUrl - mandatory


For JBoss EAP for example, place your files in the src/main/resources/eap/5.1/ folder and the following config will deploy into the maven repository specified

Example values for ${maven.repository.url} can be "file://${env.HOME}/.m2/repository" for local deployment, or "http://server:port/nexus/public/release/jboss-enterprise" for a nexus repository called jboss-enterprise.

twdata http://twdata-m2-repository.googlecode.com/svn

