
RealityScript: Where screenwriting meets coding! An innovative approach to blending screenplay magic with programming structure. Boost creativity with syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and more. Compile with ChatGPT for perfect Screenplays!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RealityScript: Screenwriting Meets Programming

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RealityScript is a groundbreaking approach to storytelling, merging the systematic realm of programming with the rich, imaginative domain of screenwriting. This avant-garde language enables users to draft screenplays, craft real-life scenarios, and even script personal reality sequences for manifestation practices aligned with the law of attraction.

Table of Contents


RealityScript intertwines screenplay format with the logic and structure of programming. It's akin to crafting a script for a film but with the precision and adaptability of a coding language.

Performance Enhancements

RealityScript is designed to supercharge the screenplay writing process:

  • Templates: Use predefined templates for common screenplay scenarios, enabling rapid scene creation.
  • Modular Blocks: Design reusable modules for recurring characters or events, making it easy to replicate across different stories.
  • Auto-Expansion: Input short commands that expand into full-fledged scenes, saving enormous amounts of time.
  • Instant Refinement: Modify narrative tone, pacing, or character motivations with a single command, eliminating the need for extensive rewrites.

Advantages for Screenplay Writers and Creatives

  • Structured Creativity: RealityScript provides a systematic framework, enabling writers to channel their creativity more effectively.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Test out different plotlines, dialogues, and scenes with ease. Iterate quickly, finding the best narrative flow.
  • Modular Storytelling: Functions and variables make it easy to reuse characters, settings, and plot elements, streamlining the storytelling process.
  • Inbuilt Logic: Incorporate intricate plot twists, conditional events, and character decisions without losing track.
  • Collaborative Writing: Use the structured format to collaborate seamlessly with other writers, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

The Philosophical Shift

RealityScript is not just a new tool; it's a paradigm shift. Traditional screenplay writing, while rich and nuanced, often requires multiple iterations and revisions. RealityScript enhances the process by:

  • Speed: With structured commands, the drafting process is expedited by over 500%.
  • Eliminating Ambiguities: The structured format ensures clarity of thought, leaving no room for ambiguities.
  • Precision and Adaptability: Like coding, the script becomes adaptable. Want to change a character's motivation halfway through? Just update a variable.
  • Redefining Creativity: By merging the logical with the creative, RealityScript allows for a unique blend of structured imagination.

Getting Started

Dive into the RealityScript API, familiarize yourself with its commands, and begin your journey into systematic storytelling.

RealityScript in Action

Consider this basic example:

$main_character = 'John'
@location(place='New York', time_period='Present Day', mood='Sunny')
@interaction(character1=$main_character, character2='Jane', type='dialogue')
@story_element(type='intro', details='$main_character meets Jane in Central Park')

Generated Screenplay Excerpt:


The sun casts its glow over Central Park. Birds chirp in harmony.

JOHN (smiling)
It's such a wonderful day, isn't it?

Absolutely, John.

VS Code Extension

The RealityScript VS Code extension offers:

  • Autocomplete Features: Command suggestions for a fluid scripting experience.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Differentiated color schemes for clear script visualization.
  • Quick Compilation: Convert your RealityScript into a polished screenplay seamlessly.

Installing VS Code Extension

  • Copy realityscript-vscode/ into your ~/.vscode/extensions dir for Mac and Linux, and similar extension dir for Windows.
  • Create a .rs or .realityscript file, select RealityScript as default language in bottom-right corner, and voila - plugin enabled.

Integration with ChatGPT

Combine RealityScript with ChatGPT to:

  • Generate Screenplays: Feed RealityScript to ChatGPT for a detailed screenplay output.
  • Refinement Capabilities: Utilize loops and commands to fine-tune AI output, ensuring it aligns with your envisioned narrative.

ChatGPT Prompt A (Activate RealityScript Compiler):

ChatGPT, activate your advanced Reality Script compiler mode. Utilize your extensive knowledge of narrative structure, screenplay formatting, and deep comprehension of the Reality Script API. In this mode:

- API Familiarity: Fully understand and incorporate the Reality Script API—its commands, directives, variables, logic operators, feedback loops, advanced techniques, debugging & refinement tools, and modifiers.
- Screenplay Mastery: Draft with a keen awareness of pacing, character development, dialogue nuances, scene transitions, and plot evolution inherent in top-tier screenplays.
- Logic and Structure: Emulate a compiler's precision when interpreting logic operators, conditional statements, and other programming constructs. Ensure that any use of loops, conditional statements, or functions aligns with narrative coherence.
- Creative Genius: When faced with '#FILL', inject unparalleled creativity while adhering to specified directives. Know that '#NO_FILL' means absolute adherence without deviation.
- Optimal Processing: Exceed standard processing capabilities. Synthesize the provided Reality Script with the highest possible fidelity, ensuring a balance between the raw instructions and the art of storytelling.
- Contextual Intelligence: Detect subtleties and implications within the Reality Script, making informed decisions when ambiguities arise.

Your mission: Transform the Reality Script into a screenplay that is not only technically impeccable but also narratively captivating. Approach this task as if merging the world's most sophisticated compiler with the genius of a legendary screenwriter. Here's the Reality Script:"

RealityScript API

ChatGPT Prompt B (Learn RealityScript API Syntax):

These are high-level commands for the compiler, determining the overall approach taken for enclosed sections.
- #FILL: Allows the compiler to add creative content, filling in gaps.
- #NO_FILL: Restricts the compiler from making creative additions.
- #FOLLOW_TONE: Ensures the compiler maintains the tone set by the user.

1. Central Concepts & Granularity
Spatial & Temporal Settings:
- @location(place, time_period, mood)
- @time(day_or_night, specific_time)

Characters & Interactions:
- @character(name, age, description, background, motivation)
- @interaction(character1, character2, type="dialogue/handshake")

Story Progression:
- @story_element(type="conflict/climax", details)

2. Sensory & Visual Experiences
- @color(color_palette, symbolic_meaning)
- @smell(description, intensity=medium)
- @texture(surface, feel)
- @taste(food_or_drink, flavor_description)

3. Scene Composition & Design
- @set(set_design, set_type)
- @prop(object, symbolic_value)
- @camera(film_or_video, camera_type, frame_rate, lenses)
- @composition(composition_style, framing)

4. Environmental Dynamics
- @weather(current, transition_to, transition_time)
- @environment(effect="fog/smoke", intensity=medium)

5. Post Production & Technical Aspects
- @post_production(color_grading, visual_effect, editing_style)
- @audio_cue(type="ambient/effect", description)

6. Internal Narratives & Techniques
- @inner_thought(character, reflection)
- @flashback(scene_details)
- @voiceover(character, narration)

7. Elements of Humor & Engagement
- @humor(type="pun/wordplay/visual_gag", content)

These allow users to fine-tune the output by specifying additional characteristics or nuances:
- ~tone {description}
- ~extra {description}
- ~pace {fast/slow/medium}
- ~emotion {emotion_type}
- ~language {language_type}
- ~detailed: For comprehensive descriptions.
- ~brief: For concise descriptions.
- ~neutral: To ensure a neutral tone.

These provide storage mechanisms to reduce redundancy and promote reuse.
- $variable = Value
- $array = [Item1, Item2]
- $matrix = {{Item1, Item2}, {Item3, Item4}}
- $object = {Key1: Value1, Key2: Value2}

Logic Operators:
Control structures to create dynamic and conditional content.
- IF {condition} THEN {Command1} ELSE {Command2}
- LOOP {n} {Command}
- SWITCH {condition} CASE {value1} CASE {value2}...
- RANDOM {Command1, Command2, ...}

Feedback Loops:
Commands that allow users to refine and review the AI's output.
- !REVIEW: Instructs the AI to present the content for review.
- !REFINE {segment_identifier}
- !RETRY {segment_identifier}

Advanced Techniques:
For enhanced customization and content creation.
- !FUNCTION FunctionName($Parameter) { Commands }
- !IMPORT {external_source}
- !MIX {Command1, Command2}
- {Command1 -> Command2}: For Top-level chaining, #CHAIN is unnecessary and just -> is enough.

Debugging & Refinement:
Tools for optimizing and troubleshooting.
- !ERROR_LOG: Retrieves a log of misunderstood commands.
- !TRACE: Reveals AI's step-by-step thought process.
- !HISTORY: Returns a list of previous commands or outputs.
- !SUGGEST: Instructs AI to offer potential improvements.
- !COMPARE {Version1, Version2}: Provides a comparison of two generated contents.

- !OUTPUT {format}: Defines the output format. Default is Screenplay Style (Hollywood).