Project Overview

Project Links

Front End

Back End API

Project Description

Pickup is an application to bring people together for pick-up games, workouts, sporting events or other group activities. Users will be able to create games or "events", invite friends, see other user's games, filter by location, activity and skill level. The frontend is built with React and Mongo, Express and Node will be used for the backend.

The app is a work in progress so check back to see additional post MVP feature implementation.


Built with Node, Mongo and Express


Below are the wireframe/design and React architecture.


The functionality will is divided into two separate lists: MPV and PostMVP.


  • User sign up and log in
  • Show pick-up games/events
  • Allow user to filter games by location, sport/activity, and skill level
  • Allow user to add a game/event
  • Allow users to update profile info and change password
  • Add comments to game/event

Post MVP

  • Allow users to invite friends to their games
  • Use geolocation to get user location and filter results
  • User photo upload for profile pic
  • Live chat between users


Component Description
Login Allows user to login
Sign up Allows user to sign up
Home This will contain the Events, User and event Details components
User This will show the current user details
Events This will render all the evnts and allow the user to filter events based on location, sport and skill level
Event These will diplay an individual event with the title, location and other users going
Comments Displays event comments
Edit Profile Allows user to update info, change password and upload photo
Chat Allows users to chat about an event


Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invetsted Actual Time
Initial discovery and research H 5hrs 5hrs 5hrs
Planning and wireframing H 2hrs 2hrs 2hrs
Project Worksheet H 2hrs 2hrs 2hrs
H hrs hrs hrs
H hrs hrs hrs
Total H 33hrs 44.5hrs 44.5hrs

Post MVP

Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invetsted Actual Time
H 3hrs 4hrs 4hrs
Total H 18hrs 8hrs hrs

Additional Libraries

None so far.