
[Techiediaries] Angular 10 NgRX Store by Example

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[Techiediaries] Angular 10 NgRX Store by Example

Grab the article at https://www.techiediaries.com/angular-10-ngrx-store-example/


  • ng serve --o | ng serve --open;

Errors Experienced

  • On the '*ngIf' statement within the "product.component.html", where it is stated if "products != 0", an error resulted in: "error TS2367: This condition will always return 'true' since the types 'Observable<Product[]>' and 'number' have no overlap."; on trying to fix this through "products >= 1", the error received was: "error TS2365: Operator '>=' cannot be applied to types 'Observable<Product[]>' and 'number'.";


  • A tutorial from the same team that further explains the async pipe observable subscription is available, of which I will read;
  • The Angular NgRx store is a client-side data management pattern that implements the Redux pattern, invented by Facebook, using RxJS observables;

What's it all about?

  • In this tutorial, we'll learn how to use NgRX store in our Angular 10 example application. We'll see how we can create actions, reducers and disptach actions;


Thanks goes out to Techiediaries for the FREE stuff!