
StdLib DNA Sequence Alignment Service

Primary LanguageJavaScript

StdLib DNA Sequence Alignment - MapReduce Example

This is a StdLib service to perform exhaustive, ungapped DNA sequence alignment in a massively parallel fashion. It makes use of the NtSeq Node.js package to perform alignment and derive results.

You can find this service on StdLib: keith/sequence, or GitHub: keithwhor/stdlib-sequence.

Example Query

You can provide any genome sequence you want with the seq parameter, though by default the sequence is the first 1,000,000 nucleotides of the E. coli K12 Genome.

f('keith/sequence')({q: 'GATTACACAT', count: 2}, (err, result) => {

  // do something with result


Also available at https://keith.stdlib.com/sequence?q=GATTACACAT&count=2


  "results": [
      "position": 474308,
      "sequence": "GATTACGCAT",
      "mask": "GATTAC-CAT",
      "cover": "GATTACRCAT"
      "position": 965004,
      "sequence": "GATTGCACAT",
      "mask": "GATT-CACAT",
      "cover": "GATTRCACAT"


You can use this service via HTTPS:


Via the StdLib CLI "f" command:

$ npm install lib -g
$ f keith/sequence --q ATGC

Or in a Node.js / Browser-based project using the "f" package:

const f = require('f');

f('keith/sequence')({q: 'ATGC'}, (err, result) => {
  // handle result

Service Parameters

This service accepts a few parameters;

q: Query sequence for alignment (what you're searching for)

seq: Genome sequence to search through

count: Number of results to return (default 1)

repeat: Repeats of query sequence (repeat query sequence this many times)

stats: Show search statistics

Example Response


  "results": [
      "position": 474308,
      "sequence": "GATTACGCAT",
      "mask": "GATTAC-CAT",
      "cover": "GATTACRCAT"
  "stats": {
    "length": {
      "q": 10,
      "seq": 1000000
    "workers": 0,
    "time": {
      "total": 1791,
      "prepare": 83,
      "map": 722,
      "reduce": 0,
      "sort": 986

results is an Array of results, order by number of matches.

result.position is the position of the matching sequence in the target genome.

result.sequence is the sequence of the match, beginning at result.position.

result.mask is the "sequence mask" from NtSeq, i.e. the "pessimistic" sequence that represents the intersection of both query and target sequences.

result.cover is the "sequence cover" from NtSeq, i.e. the "optimistic" sequence that represents the union of both query and target sequences.

stats is an Object showing general query statistics, will only be provided if the stats query parameter is set.

stats.length shows the total function input length.

stats.workers shows the parallelization amount (0 means no workers were dispatched)

stats.time shows a breakdown of time (in ms) spent in each step


To see an example of StdLib MapReduce in action, simply specify inputs that cause parallelization to occur (more than 1,000,000,000 nt²).

$ f keith/sequence --q A --repeat 10000 --count 0 --stats


  "results": [],
  "stats": {
    "length": {
      "q": 10000,
      "seq": 1000000
    "workers": 10,
    "time": {
      "total": 6497,
      "prepare": 47,
      "map": 5504,
      "reduce": 46,
      "sort": 900

Deploy to StdLib, Build Your Own MapReduce Service

If you'd like to deploy a copy of this service on StdLib, use the StdLib CLI tools;

$ npm install lib -g
$ lib init
$ lib up

Make sure to change {"stdlib": {"name": "keith/sequence"}} in package.json to match your username and desired service name.

That's it!

Thanks for checking this service out. I look forward to seeing other people build out MapReduce example on StdLib. :)

You can sign up for StdLib here.

Check out StdLib on GitHub.

Follow us on Twitter, @polybit.

Or follow me specifically, @keithwhor.

Happy Building!