
A python script to reply to birthday wishes on facebook wall posts . [Inspired by: http://qr.ae/NgerD]

A Python script to reply to Birthday wishes on facebook

Author: Keith Mascarenhas


You only need to feed the 2 following values in the python script

  • bday [with your birthday in DD/MM/YYYY format]
  • oauth_access_token [with your Facebook Graph API access token* with read_stream, publish_actions permissions]

*You can get an access token by visiting https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer and hitting Get Access token. Make sure to select the read_stream[Extended Permission] and publish_actions[User Data Permission] permissions.

Also make sure you have pip installed the following python packages:

  • facebook-sdk
  • requests

And then run the script:

  • $: python reply.py