
Tutorial and Sample apps for the Tizen TV web platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository hosts applications for the Tizen TV Web Platform. Tizen TV apps are HTML5/JS/CSS applications and can be run in the Tizen TV Web Simulator. You can find the Tizen TV SDK 1.4 (with Web Simulator) here:


App Overview

May 28, 2015

We added 2 video apps (HTML5 and AVPlayer) and a simple image slideshow:

TVDemoSlideShow A simple HTML5/CSS3 image slide show: Demo in Web Simulator

TVDemoVideoPlayer A simple video player app, it uses HTML5 tag video: Demo in Web Simulator

TVDemoAvPlay A simple video player using Tizen WebAPI for AVPlay component (It supports DRMs and streaming engines like DASH, HAS, HLS and SmoothStreaming) Must be tested on TV Tizen Emulator: Demo in Web Simulator

October 24, 2014

We are happy to add 2 new apps that use the Phaser game library:

TVDemoGrandmasBakery : A match-3 games using the Phaser game library. Demo in Web Simulator

TVDemoSimonSaysDemo : A "Simon Says" games using the Phaser game library. Demo in Web Simulator

August 12, 2014

TVDemoPlatformerMelonJS : A port of the MelonJS game demo application.

Platform Demo in Web Simulator

TVDemoTenframe : A port of a Tizen demo showing an educational application.

Demo in Web Simulator

How to Run

  • Clone this repository to your desktop
  • Install the Tizen TV Web SDK 1.5 (available here: http://www.samsungdforum.com/TizenDevtools/SdkDownload )
  • Launch the Tizen IDE and import each app's folder into your workspace
  • After important, right-click on the app's folder and choose Run As > Tizen TV Web Simulator Application (Samsung TV)

Current Issues

  • Remote Control events are not working properly. Please use keyboard and/or mouse.


Original MelonJS Demo App: http://melonjs.github.io/tutorial-platformer/

Additional Tizen HTML5 Apps: https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/sample-web-applications

Phaser homepage: http://phaser.io/