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- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Simulation
- Next function
- Plot
- Energy check
- varriable stepsize
- some tests are missing
- PARTY!!!
argument | meaning |
-h | set initial steplenght |
-v | calculate the inital velocity |
-th | set the runtime in hours |
-td | set the runtime in days |
-ty | set the runtime in years |
-u | set the steplenght when saving the data to the file |
-ec | enables energy check |
-sc | enables step check (programm gets for long simulations really slow and the simulation gets really bad, probably there is a better solution for comparring 2 steps with one step) |
-vs | enables varriable stepsize |
-pmin | set minimap precition |
-pmax | set maximal precition |
For more defails see https://github.com/siu/minunit
- Write your test in
#include "../minunit.h"
MU_TEST(test_check) {
mu_check(5 == 7);
MU_TEST_SUITE(test_suite) {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
- Compile your test-file
gcc test.c -lrt -lm
- Run the executable
- Watch output