- 0
Support Vitest
#30 opened by LanVukusic - 2
W.setImmediate is not a function
#29 opened by BartJanvanAssen - 3
React Native: performance is not defined
#23 opened by dbilgin - 2
[react-performance-testing] You have anonymous component. If your component don't have display name, we can not set property to renderCount.current
#28 opened by jojonarte - 0
support react@18
#27 opened by keiya01 - 2
Fails with Create React APP / React 17.x
#25 opened by jsamr - 0
Cannot run the example app: jest: command not found
#24 opened by jsamr - 2
- 0
- 0
Support React17
#17 opened by keiya01 - 0
add isAttached flag to check if dom is attached
#18 opened by keiya01