
Hello, this is a project from Freecodecamp, most of the project am doing will be pushed here, check it out to rate and let me know where i need to improve. Thanks Will be updating this page as i make progress with each project. The first part of the project is to build a TRIBUTE PAGE. Am currently working on it, hope you guys like it and let me know where i needed to improve. Thanks
Please you can take a look at the complete project of the Tribute which i dedicate to the creator of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, please do take a look and give me feedback on what i can improve on.
Next is a survey form, once i make progress, i will update here.
Thanks. 💌

Survey Form

Survey Form page has been created, i can say for sure am learning as fast as i could and i know within me that from here onward i can only get better, hopefully i will continue to learn more along side, am also learning how to use GITHUB along side learning coding on Freecodecamp, it has been amazing journey.
Up next i will be working on the css to make it more insteresting for now, is just the html page that's up and running. You can check it out 💌 from 🇳🇬
Have added the css to style the survey form, thou yet to be completed, once it's done, i will update this page, as it is, i have been able to understand little of how css work and why it is very important. Hopefully i can be able to complete it as soon as possible so that i can move on to the next project. Thanks!!!

Survey form is completed, done with the responsive design, you can click here to check it out. Thanks.
Well have took sometime out to attend to other needs, am glad to be back after 2months, well, am working on the next project which is a Product Landing Page, well no product on mind, but decides to work on TREES as a project, will drop the link once am done. What's left is that am aout ti start working on the CSS aspect to make it more interesting. The good thing is that am learning, and am enjoying it.

Up next is the personal portfolio site, will update it as usual, thanks.