Aurora - Unified Lighting Effects
Link to Aurora's webpage, includes some demos and changelogs
Project Aurora is a utility that unifies RGB lighting devices across different brands and enables them to work alongside each other, all while adding and improving RGB lighting support for various games that previous had none or little RGB lighting support. Aurora is mainly written in C#, but has C++ components to implement native support for other games.
Have a look at our website for a better look at Aurora and its features!
You can find the list of Supported Games and Devices here
Most recent release (potentially unstable)
Bleeding-edge builds (decent chance they're going to have issues)
Discord Server
Having issues? Want to discuss changes or talk about possible features? Want to be involved in the development and design process of Aurora? Join our Discord server and get involved!
How to Install
- Download the 'Aurora-setup-vX.X.X.exe' from any of the options found under the Download section, every recent release should have this available
- Run the executable and install it, all requirements should be installed for you.
- Start using Aurora!
- First of all, make sure that your PC meets the requirements listed above. Also, make sure that you have Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2017 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 installed.
- Download the latest release from above
- Extract the archive anywhere on your computer. Preferably keep it in a location you can easily access.
- Run "Aurora.exe", from that point, Aurora should provide you with further instructions and options.
Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
If you're a developer or just a software user you can help the project by:
- Opening an issue to report any bugs you experience (please see if an issue already exists before opening an issue)
- Trying to find where the problem lies with a particular issue (regardless of your skill level, information is always helpful)
- Fixing issues, if you spot an issue you think you can fix, please make a fork and submit a pull request that solves the issue. Any contributions are welcome!
- Right now we don't have a very fixed code styling due to the amount of inconsistency in the project. At some point I'm going to go through and make it all consistent, but it'll probably be CamelCase or a slight variation of it that'll be used.
- Newtonsoft.Json - Used for JSON parsing
- Colore - Used for Razer suppport
- RGB.NET - Used for Corsair and Asus support
- Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit - Used for Color Picker and Integer Up Down controls
- MouseKeyHook - Used or interactive effects
- NAudio - Used for Volume Control
- Hardcodet.NotifyIcon.Wpf - Used for tray icon and windows notificaitons
- Infragistics.Themes.MetroDark.Wpf - Used as a base theme
- Elysium - Used parts of this theme
- LogiLed2Corsair - Used as a resource for Wrappers
- GSI for Payday 2 - A GSI mod for Payday 2
- LightFX Extender - A LightFX wrapped by a friend of mine, used as a resource for LightFX Wrapper.
- ColorBox - Used for gradient editor/picker. This repo contains a modified version of ColorBox, to suit Aurora's needs a bit more.
- SharpDX - Used for Raw Input for nonblocking input reading for key binds and interactive effects
- HidLibrary - Used for communication with HID devices
- NZXTSharp - NZXT SDK, Used for NZXT support