
git-jira convenience commands using jira-cmd

Primary LanguageShell

install jira-cmd

npm install -g jira-cmd

configure jira-cmd by running `jira


to create branch with issue name, assign issue to current user and update is status to progress, run :

  git-jira-branch MOB-11

if a branch with the same name exist, checks out that branch instead


to commit all changes, push the branch, mark issue 'done' and open the pull request page on bitbucket, run :


from the issues' branch

to copy commands to your /usr/local/bin and make them executable

cd /usr/local/bin/ && sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anlcan/git-jira/master/branch.sh -o git-jira-branch&& sudo chmod a+x git-jira-branch

cd /usr/local/bin/ && sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anlcan/git-jira/master/close.sh -o git-jira-close && sudo chmod a+x git-jira-close