
handy shell & python scripts

Primary LanguagePython


A bunch of one-off scripts and ones vital to the operation of my custom desktop environment. All scripts in this repo are beerware and made by delucks unless otherwise stated.


  • Lsim.py: Encode/decode from the L-language used by Computational Theory (WIP)
  • x86.py: Dump instruction information from the official Intel reference
  • cdump.py: Dump pages of posts from craigslist so you can grep them
  • linkvalidate.py: Print out the return codes of all the links on a certain HTTP site.
  • charcount.py: Display count of each unique character in input
  • imgur.py: Download an imgur album to a directory of your choice
  • roman: A python roman numeral translation engine. Wrote this to start learning Python.
  • res_sort.py: A python script to determine your wallpaper resolution and sort images based on it
  • redditlinkdump.py: Take a wild guess


  • dmenu_ranger: Open a directory in ranger inside a new urxvt, cache it in case you're going to access it again
  • dmenu_man: Open a man page in a new urxvt
  • dmenu_ssh: Parses ~/.ssh/config for hosts, opens one in a new urxvt
  • block: Blurred screen locker
  • spotifyctrl.sh: Mappings for the Spotify DBUS API
  • digdug.sh: Draw a dig-dug dude in full color
  • dvol: Super hacky volume control & notification script, integrated with Spotify
  • jgit-3.5.sh: Not written by me (duh), a shell executable git binary. Good for those pesky servers which don't have git installed


  • lenny.c: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • insultbot.pl: I grokked some perl and made this