
Python application that checks task for unique code.

Install Python Requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Download html paged with students score to scores page.

If you want to work with PRs you should use github token, rename token.cfg.example to token.cfg and add token to it.

Parameters can be set in config.cfg file:

  • download_data (true/false) - clone student's repo to data directory or check remotely
  • limit (0-0.99) - percent of unique check
  • bundle_filename (string) - bundle name for concatenated files or for repo file
  • recursion_limit (integer) - limit of max recursion steps
  • task_name (string) - name of task repository
  • compare_file (string) - compare file name (bundle_filename for concatenated files)
  • concat_pattern (string) - pattern for file concatenation
  • csv_delimiter (char) - cvs delimiter for parsing

Run python to start application.

Results can be found in:

  • crosscheck.txt
  • results.csv
  • graph.graphml