
Apache Freemarker

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Apache FreeMarker {version}

Build status

For the latest version or to report bugs visit: https://freemarker.apache.org/

Regarding pull requests on Github

By sending a pull request you grant the Apache Software Foundation sufficient rights to use and release the submitted work under the Apache license. You grant the same rights (copyright license, patent license, etc.) to the Apache Software Foundation as if you have signed a Contributor License Agreement. For contributions that are judged to be non-trivial, you will be asked to actually signing a Contributor License Agreement.

What is Apache FreeMarker?

FreeMarker is a "template engine"; a generic tool to generate text output (anything from HTML to auto generated source code) based on templates. It's a Java package, a class library for Java programmers. It's not an application for end-users in itself, but something that programmers can embed into their products. FreeMarker is designed to be practical for the generation of HTML Web pages, particularly by servlet-based applications following the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern.


FreeMarker is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See the LICENSE file for more details!


Online: https://freemarker.apache.org/docs/

Offline: The full documentation is available in the binary distribution in the documentation/index.html directory.


If you are using Maven, just add this dependency:

  Attention: Be sure nothing pulls in an old dependency with groupId
  "freemarker" (without the "org."), because then you will end up with
  two freemarker.jar-s and unpredictable behavior on runtime!

Otherwise simply copy freemarker.jar to a location where your Java application's ClassLoader will find it. For example, if you are using FreeMarker in a web application, you probably want to put freemarker.jar into the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web application.

FreeMarker has no required dependencies. It has several optional dependencies, but usually you don't have to deal with them, because if you are using an optional feature that's certainly because your application already uses the related library.

Attention: If you upgrade to OpenJDK 9 or later, and you are using XPath queries in templates, you will need to add Apache Xalan as a dependency, as freemarker.ext.dom can't use the XPath support included in OpenJDK anymore. It's not needed on Oracle Java 9, or if FreeMarker is configured to use Jaxen for XPath.

The minimum required Java version is currently Java SE 8. (The presence of a later version may be detected on runtime and utilized by FreeMarker.)

Change log

Online (for stable releases only): https://freemarker.apache.org/docs/app_versions.html

Offline: In the binary release, open documentation/index.html, and you will find the link.

Building FreeMarker

If you haven't yet, download the source release, or checkout FreeMarker from the source code repository. See repository locations here: https://freemarker.apache.org/sourcecode.html

You need JDK 8 and JDK 16 to be installed (and visible to Gradle).

To build freemarker.jar, just issue ./gradlew jar in the project root directory, and it should download all dependencies automatically and build freemarker.jar.

To run all checks, issue ./gradlew check.

To generate documentation, issue ./gradlew javadoc and ./gradlew manualOffline.

To see how the project would be deployed to Maven Central, issue ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToLocalRepository, and check the build/local-deployment directory.

IDE setup


Below you find the step-by-step setup for Eclipse (originally done on Mars.1):

  • Start Eclipse
  • You may prefer to start a new workspace (File -> "Switch workspace"), but it's optional.
  • Window -> Preferences
    • General -> Workspace, set the text file encoding to "UTF-8". (Or, you can set the same later on project level instead.)
    • General -> Editors -> Text Editors, set:
      • Insert space for tabs
      • Show print margin, 120 columns
    • Java -> Code Style -> Formatter -> Import... Select src\ide-settings\Eclipse\Formatter-profile-FreeMarker.xml inside the FreeMarker project directory. (On IntelliJ IDEA, import src/ide-settings/IntelliJ-IDEA/Java-code-style-FreeMarker.xml instead) This profile uses space-only indentation policy and 120 character line width, and formatting rules that are pretty much standard in modern Java.
    • Java -> Code Style -> Organize imports (On IntelliJ IDEA, this was already configured by the Java code style import earlier.) The order is this (the Eclipse default): java, javax, org, com. Number of imports required for .: 99 Number of static imports needed for .: 1
    • Java -> Installed JRE-s: Ensure that you have JDK 16 installed, and that it was added to Eclipse. Note that it's not JRE, but JDK.
    • Java -> Compiler -> Javadoc: "Malformed Javadoc comments": Error "Only consider members as visible": Private "Validate tag arguments": true "Missing tag descriptions": Validate @return tags "Missing Javadoc tags": Ignore "Missing Javadoc comments": Ignore
  • Import the project as any other Gradle project.
  • Eclipse will indicate many errors at this point; it's expected, read on.
  • Project -> Properties -> Java Compiler
    • In Errors/Warnings, check in "Enable project specific settings", then set "Forbidden reference (access rules)" from "Error" to "Warning".
  • You will still have errors on these java files (because different java files depend on different versions of the same library, and Eclipse can't handle that). Exclude those java files from the Build Path (in the Package Explorer, right-click on the problematic file -> "Build Path" -> "Exclude"): _Jython20*.java, _Jython22*.java, _FreeMarkerPageContext2.java, FreeMarkerJspFactory2.java, Also, close these files if they are open. Now you shouldn't have any errors.
  • At Project -> Properties -> Java Code Style -> Formatter, check in "Enable project specific settings", and then select "FreeMarker" as active profile.
  • At Project -> Properties -> Java Editor -> Save Actions, check "Enable project specific settings", then "Perform the selected actions on save", and have only "Organize imports" and "Additional actions" checked (the list for the last should contain "Add missing @Override annotations", "Add missing @Override annotations to implementations of interface methods", "Add missing @Deprecated annotations", and "Remove unnecessary cast").
  • Right click on the project -> Run As -> JUnit Test It should run without problems (all green).
  • It's highly recommended to use the Eclipse FindBugs plugin.
    • Install it from Eclipse Marketplace (3.0.1 as of this writing)
    • Window -> Preferences -> Java -> FindBugs: Set all bug marker ranks from Warning to Error. (For false alarms we add @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "...", justification = "...") annotations.)
    • Project -> Properties -> FindBugs -> [x] Run Automatically
    • There should 0 errors. But sometimes the plugin fails to take the @SuppressFBWarnings annotations into account; then use Project -> Clean.

IntelliJ IDEA

Originally done on IntelliJ IDEA Community 2023.3.2:

  • "File" -> "Open": Select the "settings.gradle.kts" within the freemarker root directory.

  • If the project fails to load (or build), then adjust the following configuration in "File" -> "Settings" -> "Build, Execution, Deployment" -> "Build Tools" -> "Gradle":

    • Gradle JVM: JDK 8+
    • Build and run using: "Gradle"
    • Run tests using: "Gradle"
  • "File" -> "Settings"

    • Under "Editor" / "Code style", import and use freemarker/src/ide-settings/IntelliJ-IDEA/Java-code-style-FreeMarker.xml
    • Under "Editor" / "Inspections", import and use freemarker/src/ide-settings/IntelliJ-IDEA/Editor-Inspections-FreeMarker.xml
    • Copy the copyright header comment from some of the java files, then under "Editor" / "Copyright" / "Copyright Profiles" click "+", enter "ASL2" as name, then paste the copyright header. Delete the /* and */ lines, and the * prefixes (to select columns of text, hold Alt while selecting with the mouse.) Then go back to "Copyright" in the tree, and set "Default project copyright" to "ASL2".