
大二下的大作业,简单的后台模板框架,JWT+Spring Security进行权限验证和会话保持,基于Spring boot+Mybatis+BootStrap+DataTables。

Primary LanguageTSQL

English Version


The overall template is from https://github.com/sail-y/spring-boot-admin, and I made some changes myself.

Simple background template framework with user management, menu management, merchandise management, merchandise category management, order management, merchant management and role management, and access control to button level.

Permission verification and session persistence with JWT+Spring Security. The project is based on Springboot + Mybatis + BootStrap + DataTables

Related Framework


Modify the database connection in application-dev.yml Execute the mysql -uroot -p database < bmall.sql to import the database script. Direct RunDMCApplication access after startup: http://localhost:10000/web/views/login/login.html

Administrator account: admin Password: 111111 Other 10,000+ user account & password can be found in the database bmall.sql.

Page display

image image image image image image image image image image

中文版 Chinese Version


模板源于https://github.com/sail-y/spring-boot-admin, 自己做了一些改动

简单的后台模板框架,具备用户管理,菜单管理,商品管理,商品分类管理,订单管理,商家管理和角色管理, 权限控制到按钮层级。

采用JWT+Spring Security进行权限验证和会话保持 项目基于Spring boot+Mybatis+BootStrap+DataTables



修改application-dev.yml里的数据库连接 执行mysql -uroot -p 数据库 < bmall.sql导入数据库脚本。 直接RunDMCApplication启动后访问:http://localhost:10000/web/views/login/login.html

密码:111111 其他一万个商家账户账户密码见数据库


image image image image image image image image image image