- 2
#324 opened by HorridModz - 2
- 7
Type checker reports error when using the `Use` class in a boolean operator
#322 opened by PleasantFuban - 1
Conditional Validation
#325 opened by HorridModz - 2
- 3
Needless call to eval in
#318 opened by moltenform - 6
py.typed missing in package
#316 opened by maximeflya - 3
Schema appears to be broken for Python3.8
#315 opened by Zeitsperre - 2
0.7.7: sdist is missing `tox.ini`
#313 opened by mtelka - 5
This package doesn't install the 'schema' module
#311 opened by yurivict - 1
Changelog was not updated for v0.7.5
#284 opened by gschaffner - 1
[BUG] Module Not Found Error
#292 opened by HassanAbbas7357 - 3
Drop contextlib2 requirement?
#282 opened by opoplawski - 2
- 1
0.7.6 breaks import?
#309 opened by ggainey - 1
version 0.7.6 doesn't work
#310 opened by Zhenshan-Jin - 5
New release expectation?
#308 opened by tyctor - 2
Callable not called as documentation implies?
#295 opened by geokala - 1
- 1
How to translate string to list
#302 opened by NiceRath - 0
mypy support
#296 opened by qequ - 2
Incompatibility with Python 2.7
#299 opened by juliendelplanque - 1
Incorrect error reporting for key schema
#255 opened by wwoods - 1
Validate a nested list and its elements?
#269 opened by anh193 - 0
Hook() breaks on custom handler
#294 opened by cdeckard - 1
[Help Needed] how to use online json response to schema converter tools in Pytest_Schema
#293 opened by HassanAbbas7357 - 3
Unexpected behavior: Can not double validate keys
#289 opened by MrChadMWood - 1
`Optional` default-parsing fails for C-based callables
#272 opened by BvB93 - 1
- 1
What is the best way to disallow empty arrays/lists?
#277 opened by tgross35 - 2
number vs float
#287 opened by mjm987 - 1
Question - How do I define conditional rules?
#286 opened by fopguy41 - 1
ignore_extra_keys is ignored if flavor == VALIDATOR
#285 opened by ukrsms - 0
Travis CI is not running
#283 opened by gschaffner - 1
- 0
- 1
Cross-validating Dictionary Values
#264 opened by pugantsov - 3
- 1
Validate epoch/unix format
#270 opened by sodrooome - 1
- 1
Derived class from `Optional` is not allowed
#265 opened by raoyitao - 0
Option to ignore entry based on value validation
#267 opened by Jerry-Ma - 1
Use(bool) doesn't properly validate boolean strings.
#266 opened by EdEngle - 1
Question: How to define self referential schemas
#256 opened by alisaifee - 5
- 0
Use value depends of data given
#263 opened by RechieKho - 0
- 0
- 0
Generate a TypedDict subclass
#259 opened by AckslD - 0