
Short demos given as a lecture for PSU CMPSC 475

Primary LanguageSwift


Short demos given as a lecture for PSU CMPSC 475

Each was a 20 minute talk given with live demos.

Bridging is Objective C to Swift bridging (and vice versa). This was made from scratch by myself.

The Instruments-Tutorial comes directly from https://www.raywenderlich.com/97886/instruments-tutorial-with-swift-getting-started.

The MathMonsters code is also from Ray Wenderlich's site: https://www.raywenderlich.com/94443/uisplitviewcontroller-tutorial-getting-started. The purpose of the demo was to add accessibility labels and hints to the existing MathMonsters code.

Method Swizzling is an example of obj c method swizzling of the imageNamed method. I wrote this code on my own.

The Localization tutorial is from scratch by me.