
Primary LanguagePython


We mainly focus on the PDTB 2.0 dataset.

Put the folder PDTB 2.0 to ./ first.

Get all the documents first

Split the document into argument pairs with their corresponding paragraphs as follows:

python ./processed_data/split_pairs.py
python ./processed_data/pairs2sentences.py

Download glove.840B.300d.zip, unzip and put it to ./. Further prepare the data:

python ./vocab_emb.py

Get the adjacent matrix:

python ./spacy_coref.py
python ./core_adj.py
python ./adjacency_adj.py
python ./lexical_chain_adj.py

Then generate the input of the model:

python ./generate_input_data.py

For training and evaluating:

python ctnet.py \
  --classes 4 \
  --learning_rate 0.001 \
  --batch_size 256 \
  --elmo_cuda 1 \
  --slstm_size 512 \
  --relation_balance True \
  --use_exp True \
  --use_char True \
  --use_mt True 


python == 3.6
tensorflow == 1.12.0
sklearn == 0.21.3
numpy == 1.17.0
allennlp == 0.9.0
nltk == 3.4.4
spacy == 2.0.12

Since tensorflow-hub is unreachable recently, we use ELMo provided by AllenNLP. Download the option.json and weights.hdf5 and put them to ./processed_data/