
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Ensemble of MRR and NDCG models for Visual Dialog

  • 2020 Visual Dialog challenge winning submission.

This repository is the official implementation of Ensemble of MRR and NDCG models for Visual Dialog. (To appear in NAACL'21)

We propose a two-step non-parametric ranking approach that can merge strong MRR and NDCG models. Using our method, we manage to keep most MRR state-of-the-art performance (70.41% vs. 71.24%) and the NDCG state-of-the-art performance (72.16% vs. 75.35%).

The approach is a rank ensemble of:

Preprocessed data:

Place the following meta-data under the data dir: https://technionmail-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/idansc_campus_technion_ac_il/EtF8106BEL9Bg_l8aO1KgC4BX8FgFQvkFRGIRspzITJGFA?e=y5AYFP

Place the following models' scores under models dir: https://technionmail-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/idansc_campus_technion_ac_il/EjGDSbKTtJJCjtweIxG3dUIBXq9IXChBXrB3GVQCxND8hw?e=jelNAo


Please follow the jupyter notebook: Two-step ranks ensemble.ipynb.