
Easily and securely store and deploy your dotfiles

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Easily and securely store and deploy your dotfiles


  • new app in django

  • - Setup

    • - create script to gather all dotfiles
    • - makefile
    • - documentation
  • - Web

    • - API
      • - login
      • - logout
      • - register
      • - upload deploy.gpg
      • - download deploy.gpg
      • - delete deploy.gpg
      • - list all deploy.gpg's
      • - validate email
    • - database
      • - model
    • - frontend
      • - basic html + js
      • - css
      • - under dev site
    • - Deploy
      • - domain name
      • - hosting
      • - CA

Using terminal only


curl -b cookie -c cookie -H 'Content-Type:application/json' savedots.me/api/login -d '{"email":"YOUR_EMAIL","password":"YOUR_PASSWORD"}'

Upload file

curl -b cookie -c cookie -F "sessionID=YOUR_SESSIONID" -F file=@FILE_PATH savedots.me/api/upload

List all your files

curl -b cookie -c cookie -X GET -F "sessionID=YOUR_SESSIONID" --url savedots.me/api/list_files

Download file(use key returned from /api/list_files

curl -b cookie -c cookie -X GET -F "sessionID=YOUR_SESSIONID" -F "fileID=KEY_FROM_list_files" --url savedots.me/api/download -o FILENAME

Delete file(using key returned from /api/list_files)

curl -b cookie -c cookie -X POST -F "sessionID=YOUR_SESSIONID" -F "fileID=KEY_FROM_list_files" savedots.me/api/remove_file


curl -c cookie -b cookie -X GET -F "sessionID=YOUR_SESSIONID" --url savedots.me/api/logout