- To run this application, navigate int src folder: -npm install: to install all dependencies
- npm start: to start the server
Local Base url: http://localhost:5000/api/v1 Remote Base url:
Authentication Endpoints
-Register Endpoint: POST /register Description: Register a new user.
Example: url: http:localhost:5000/api/v1/register { "name": "Jone Doe" "email": "johndoe@gmail.com", "password": "securepassword" }
-Login Endpoint: POST /login Description: Log in an existing user.
Example: url:http://localhost:5000/api/v1/login { "email": "johndoe@gmail.com", "password": "securepassword" }
-Room Endpoints
Create a Room Endpoint: POST /create-room Description: Create a new auction room for the rest of users to join
Example: url:http://localhost:5000/api/v1/create-room { "roomName": "Johns's Auction Room", "maxParticipants": "20" }
Get room details Endpoint: GET /room-details/:roomId Description: Get details of a specific room.
Example: url: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/room-details/659bf87634aba32b9f1ac
Join a Room Endpoint: POST /join-room Description: Join an existing room. Example: url: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/join-room { "roomId": "659bf87634aba32b9f1ac" "userId": "64486566566566475" }
- Bidding Endpoints
Start Bidding Process Endpoint: POST /start-bidding-process Description: Initiate a new bidding process so thers can join the bidding. Example: url: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/start-bidding-process { "roomId": "659bf87634aba32b9f1ac", "initiator": "659b3edb464984cd4af16", "productDescription": "Office AC ", "hours": "5" }
Submit Bid
Endpoint: POST /submit-bid Description: Submit a bid for an ongoing bidding process.
Example: url:http://localhost:5000/api/v1/submit-bid { "biddingProcessId": "659c2e49f6302d3eaa0de", "userId": "659b3edb464984cd4af16", "bidAmount": 1000 }
Update Bid Endpoint: PUT /update-bid Description: Update a previously submitted bid.
Example: url:http://localhost:5000/api/v1/update-bid { "biddingProcessId": "659c2e49f6302d3eaa0de", "userId": "659b3edb464984cd4af1648c", "newBidAmount": 70000 }
Close Bidding Process Endpoint: POST /close-bidding Description: Close an ongoing bidding process.
Example: url:http://localhost:5000/api/v1/close-bidding { "biddingProcessId": "659c2e49f6302d3eaa0de" }
Invoice Generate Invoice Description: the invoice generated automatically after the process is closed and sent to the highest bidder, also it saved into the database.
Initiate Payment Endpoint: POST /initiate-payment Description: Initiate the payment process for a generated invoice. Request Body: Include the invoiceId or other relevant details. Example: url: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/initiate-payment { "userId": "659b3edb464984cd4af164", "biddingProcessId": "659c2e49f6302d3eaa0de" }
Verify Payment Endpoint: GET /verify/:reference Description: Verify the status of a payment. Request Parameters: reference (string): Payment reference. Example: http://localhost:5000/verify/abcdef123456
Registration and Authentication:
- Register a new user using the /register endpoint.
- Log in with the registered user using the /login endpoint.
Room Interaction:
- Create a room using the /create-room endpoint.
- Join the created room or another existing room using the /join-room endpoint.
- Get details of a room using the /room-details/:roomId endpoint.
Bidding Process:
- Initiate a new bidding process using the /start-bidding-process endpoint.
- Submit bids using the /submit-bid endpoint.
- Update a bid using the /update-bid endpoint
- Close an ongoing bidding process using the endpoint /close-bidding
Payment Process:
- Initiate a payment process using the endpoint /initiate-payment
- Verify a payment using the endpoint /verify/:reference
Incomplete Modules Because of time factor,the following modules were not completed:
- Routes protection using jwt was not completed -payment initialization