
A python application to back up your "Liked Songs" library from Spotify to a JSON file

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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A way to back up your "Liked Songs" library from Spotify to a JSON file.

Set up

  1. Set up a virtualenv and install this project into it.

    python -m pip install spotify_tracks_archiver
  2. Create an app at https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications and save the Client ID and Client Secret into a file called .env like this (or set them as individual environmental variables):

  3. Run spotify_tracks_archiver --print-secrets --dry-run and authenticate. This should print your Refresh Token and save it to your .env file (or set it as an environmental variable):

  4. You're done, execute spotify_tracks_archiver and pipe it into a file and/or automate the process on some CI (example on GitHub Actions).