Credit: forked from newbound dark with help from selectors borrowed from pubster-syntax
This is a subtle, medium contrast theme for Atom, based on the hues and shades from Oliver Pattison’s website. Optimized for writing Markdown and front-end development, it should also work for general use.
See also: newbound light and newbound warm.
- Medium contrast without any dissonant color pairings
- Change: switched background color to pure black to increase contrast slightly.
- Consistent support for syntax grammar across languages
- Carefully selected, Base16-inspired palette, with blue and red accents
- Support for UIs that are responsive to hues from syntax themes, like the built-in One Dark UI theme
- Subtle
(if enabled in Settings) - Bracket matching style
- Suitable for monospace fonts without an italic variant
- (GitHub-flavored) Markdown
- language-markdown (markup)
- Liquid
- SCSS/Sass
- Less
- JavaScript
- Ruby
- todo
General support for other languages is intended but not guaranteed.
Friendly toward Jekyll development, particularly if used with liquid-language support (not built-in).
Optimized for One Dark UI and One Light UI.
This theme can be installed with the Atom package manager in the app or on the command line.
NOT WORKING - Module not published to make this possible
Search in Settings (Preferences) > Install for this package.
$ apm install newbound-dark-syntax
After it is installed, it can be activated by going to the Settings (Preferences) > Themes section and selecting it from the Syntax Theme menu.