
This assignment was to create a portfolio that will, eventually, have a compilation of information and work, including my resume, that future employers can easily find and navigate.


The following link will take you to the website.


The portfolio includes a working navigation bar, a subtitle with a background image, as well as an about me section, collage section for my future works, and links to contact me.

The following screenshots show my portfolio in its entirety.

This includes my header, nav bar, subtitle with background image, and About Me and part of my Work section.

This the main body of my website.

When you scroll over the work section, the images should be faded as you hover your cursor, which will also change shape. Also, if you change the size of the window, the padding on the body should change with it.


Although not near to perfect, my portfolio fulfills most of the acceptance criteria provided and will function as a good portfolio website in the future.