
Javascript json for countries and states.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Javascript json for countries and states.

For example, in vue you could use a computed hook to filter states based on the country selected.

   return { 
   // countries: country_items from the json.js file
   // states_item: states_item from the json.js file
   country: "",
   state: ""     
states() {
        return this.states_item[this.country];

With this, whatever country is selected, the state is displayed accordingly.

If you wanted to post the info to a backend for example, you could do this:

 // Always use an async function for retreiving or posting data 
 methods: {
 async def postInfo(){
     let data = { country : this.country,
                  state : this.state }
     const response = await axios.post(url, data);
     if (response){
        // Do what ever you want  

In your template, you should loop over countries and states as thus

    <option v-for="item in country_items" :key="item">
    <option v-for="item in states" :key="item">

You can even make this into a reuseable component

This logic can be applied to react, Angular or any other JS frontend framework